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The Foot & Ankle Specialists

Podiatric Medicine & Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Lapeer, MI, Caro, MI, & Bay City, MI

Warts on the soles of your feet are most likely to be plantar warts, which develop when you have an HPV (human papillomavirus) infection. If you have uncomfortable warts, The Foot & Ankle Specialists in Lapeer, Caro, Rochester Hills, and Bay City, Michigan, has a team of expert podiatrists who can diagnose and treat plantar warts to restore comfort and help you walk normally.

Call The Foot & Ankle Specialists today to arrange a consultation or schedule an appointment using the online booking form.

Warts Q & A

What kind of warts can affect my feet?

The type of wart that you’re most likely to find on your feet are plantar warts, which you might know as a verruca.

Plantar warts resemble little calluses that have a black dot at the center. They appear on your toes and the soles of your feet. These warts often cause few symptoms, and they often go away without needing treatment. However, for some people, warts can be a problem.

If the warts are in a sensitive area or they come under pressure when you walk, you could experience some discomfort. Warts might also put pressure on the nerves in your feet, which can affect the way you walk because you modify your gait to keep the pressure off the affected part of your foot.

Changing the way you walk can put a strain on other parts of your body like your ankles, knees, hips, and back, and cause pain in those areas as well.

What causes warts on my feet?

Specific strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) cause plantar warts. There are multiple different strains of HPV, which can lead to the development of warts in other parts of the body as well.

HPV is a widespread infection, and you can have it without realizing it because your immune system can sometimes eradicate it before you start experiencing symptoms.

How do I avoid getting warts on my feet?

Preventing HPV infection is possible, and helps to reduce its spread. Avoid touching yours or anyone else’s plantar warts, and don’t go into changing rooms or other areas where people tend to go barefoot without protecting your feet.

Change your socks and shoes daily, and wash and dry your feet every day. Try to keep them dry, too, as this makes it harder for the HPV virus to infect your skin.

Children are particularly prone to infection, so if you’re a parent, check your child’s feet regularly for the first signs of plantar warts.

How are plantar warts treated?

Over-the-counter remedies are available for treating plantar warts, and these can be useful if the warts aren’t too deep or large. More effective treatments are available from your podiatrist at The Foot & Ankle Specialists, including:

  • Bako VerruStat™ Liquid Wart Remover
  • Prescription-strength salicylic acid
  • Compound wart medications
  • Cryotherapy (liquid nitrous oxide)

Most plantar warts clear up with these noninvasive treatments. Very occasionally, patients might need to have warts surgically removed. This is a simple outpatient procedure that you can have under local anesthetic.

If you see something that could be a plantar wart on your foot, or you have any pain or discomfort in your feet, call The Foot & Ankle Specialists today or book an appointment online.