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The Foot & Ankle Specialists

Podiatric Medicine & Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Lapeer, MI, Caro, MI, & Bay City, MI

About 36% of Americans have bunions. If you’ve got a bony bump on the side of your big toe, it’s likely a bunion that requires attention from a professional. At The Foot & Ankle Specialists, with locations in Lapeer, Caro, Rochester Hills, and Bay City, Michigan, a team of podiatric medicine professionals offers today’s latest bunion care innovations. Book your appointment online or by phone now for bunion treatment.

Bunion Q & A

What is a bunion?

A bunion, also called hallux valgus, is a foot deformity in which you have a dramatically swollen bony bump on the side of your big toe. Bunions usually grow over time, and often cause your big toe to tilt towards (or, sometimes, even overlap) your second toe. You can also develop a tailor's bunion or bunionette on the side of your small toe. 

Bunions cause major changes in your forefoot bone structure over time, and they can eventually cause severe symptoms, including walking difficulties. 

What causes bunions?

The most common cause of bunions is a faulty mechanical foot structure, which you generally inherit. Technically, you don't inherit bunions, but your parents pass down your tendency towards them. 

Poor footwear choice can cause bunions to develop sooner than they otherwise would, and may aggravate existing bunions to make the deformity worse. Shoes that fit tightly or have pointed toes (especially high heels) are well-known for aggravating bunions, which is why bunions are most common in women. 

How are bunions diagnosed?

Usually, bunions are quite easy to see, but at The Foot and Ankle Specialists, you get more than just a quick visual diagnosis. The podiatric medicine specialists also use advanced diagnostic imaging like digital X-Rays to look at the bony framework of your foot and determine the exact extent of your bunion.

Do I need surgery for bunions?

It depends on the severity of the bunion. For mild bunions that haven't yet caused serious foot deformity or pain, non-surgical treatments may be quite helpful. Options to treat a bunion without surgery include:

  • Custom orthotics or Betterform orthotics
  • Padding
  • Icing the joint
  • Anti-inflammatory medication (electronic prescriptions available)
  • Corticosteroid injections 

In some cases, non-surgical treatments aren't sufficient because your bones are too damaged and painful. The Foot and Ankle Specialists team stays up-to-date on all the latest surgical techniques and procedures. Surgery can remove the bony protrusion, realign the bones, or make any other changes necessary to help you walk free from bunion problems.

Call The Foot and Ankle Specialists office nearest you or use the online appointment maker to get relief from bunion pain now.