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Corns & Calluses

The Foot & Ankle Specialists

Podiatric Medicine & Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Lapeer, MI, Caro, MI, & Bay City, MI

Corns and calluses are two common results of foot friction and pressure. Both types of skin growths can quickly become unsightly and uncomfortable, which is why it’s important to reach out to specialists for help. At The Foot & Ankle Specialists, with offices in Lapeer, Caro, Rochester Hills, and Bay City, Michigan, our professional podiatry team is ready to help with consistent corn and callus removal and prevention.

Call the office nearest you or book an appointment online now.

Corns & Calluses Q & A

What are corns and calluses?

Corns and calluses are areas of thickened skin that typically develop on your feet. Although corns and calluses are similar in some ways, they are two distinct issues.

Calluses are thick and rough skin patches that usually appear on the bottom and/or sides of your feet. Repeated pressure and friction on a particular part of your foot are commonly to blame. Wearing shoes without socks is a common cause of calluses, as is ill-fitting footwear. Abnormal foot structure or mechanics can also contribute to calluses. In some cases, calluses can turn into corns.

Corns are hard circular lesions on the tops or sides of your toes. The main difference between calluses and corns is that corns go deeper into your skin and have a hard center made of keratin. Like calluses, pressure and friction cause corns. An abnormal foot structure or mechanics can also contribute to the formation of corns. For example, hammertoe can increase your risk for corns because it bends your toe up to cause constant friction between your toe and shoe. 

Corns and calluses can happen at any age, but they’re particularly common in adults. If you’ve recently noticed thickened skin patches on your feet, it’s likely corns or calluses.

Why are diabetics vulnerable to corns and calluses?

Diabetics are especially vulnerable to corns and calluses because of abnormal foot mechanics, weakened skin, nerve damage, and poor circulation. Sometimes, corns and calluses can hide ulcers, so it’s especially vital that diabetics have their calluses and corns removed regularly. Corn and callus removal at your visits are part of the diabetic foot care at The Foot & Ankle Specialists. 

What is the best way to remove corns and calluses?

Don’t attempt removal on your own. It’s very easy to remove just a bit too much skin, and that can lead to pain, skin ulceration, and serious infections. The podiatric medicine physicians at The Foot & Ankle Specialists use specialized techniques and sterile instruments to remove corns and calluses in the office at your visit.

Toe pads can cushion the skin after corn removal, and you may need orthotics to protect your feet after callus removal, as well. 

Have your corns and calluses removed from the experts by calling The Foot & Ankle Specialists or booking online now.