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Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury that causes pain, stiffness, and swelling in your Achilles tendon — the thick band of tissue that connects your calf muscles to your heel. Although anyone can develop achilles tendinitis, it’s particularly common among athletes, runners, and people who suddenly increase their physical activity...
Ankle injuries, from sprains to fractures, are among the most common musculoskeletal issues — and suffering an ankle injury puts you at greater risk of future ankle pain. In fact, about one in five people who sprain their ankles develop chronic ankle instability. Even minor ankle injuries can compromise your...
As we ring in 2025, many of us are setting health goals for the new year. And if you ask us, there’s no better place to start than your feet. Your feet carry you through life — they are your foundation, and ensuring their health can improve your mobility, comfort,...
Dry, cold winter air brings dry, flaking skin. Low humidity in the colder months strips away skin’s moisture, and the thick skin on your heels is particularly prone. What starts as small cracks can deepen, leading to pain or even infection. There is, however, a way to avoid dry, cracked...
Corns and calluses are thickened layers of skin that form over time with repetitive pressure or friction. They are common foot issues — and if you have diabetes, you might find yourself dealing with them more often than not. People with diabetes are more prone to developing corns, calluses, and...
Hammertoe and bunions are two of the most common foot conditions in the United States. They both can cause discomfort, pain, and even difficulty walking if they get severe. Though hammertoe and bunions are distinctly different problems, there’s often a connection between the two — especially when it comes to...
Soft tissue is the tissue in your body that connects, supports, or surrounds your bones and organs. It includes your muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and more — and it provides essential strength and flexibility throughout your body as you move. But unfortunately, soft tissues are at risk of injury, and...
About 10 million Americans have osteoporosis: a chronic condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. This silent disease often goes unnoticed until a fracture occurs, and a broken bone has the power to significantly impact your quality of life. Even though almost any bone is...
Hammertoe is a foot deformity that happens when one (or several) of your smaller toes bends abnormally at the middle joint. It’s both uncomfortable and unsightly, and unfortunately, it’s often hereditary — which means if one of your parents has a hammertoe, you’re more likely to develop the condition yourself....
A bunion is a painful, bony lump at the base of your big toe. Bunions cause symptoms like swelling, redness, and pain — but what if you have a painful lump on the other side of your foot, near your little toe? It might be a bunionette. Even though the...
Ingrown toenails happen when the edge of your nail grows into the surrounding skin. It’s a common problem, and although it often causes inflammation and pain, it’s easy to assume that an ingrown nail is simply a minor nuisance. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case — especially if you have...
Shin splints: two words that can strike fear into the heart of any athlete. Whether you’re a runner or you play team sports, the throbbing pain along the front of your lower leg can disrupt training and interfere with your performance. It’s a frustrating condition, but you don’t have to...
Bunions — those bony bumps that develop at the base of your big toe — aren’t just a cosmetic concern. They’re a source of chronic discomfort for many people, but the thought of bunion surgery can be daunting. If you have a bunion that’s interfering with your daily life, you’re...
It feels like you’re walking with a pebble in your shoe — but when you look, there's nothing there. Sound familiar? It’s a frustrating and painful phenomenon, but you’re far from alone. The feeling of a pebble or a marble in your shoe is a common symptom of a foot...
If you don’t live near a large meadow, running track, or gym, or if you just want to be time-efficient, you may choose to run on the streets or sidewalks near your home or office. Even though changing up surfaces from time to time may be good for your feet...
Considering how much weight and stress they’re under, our ankle joints are remarkably small and, dare we say, flimsy. Judging by statistics, it doesn’t take much to injure an ankle; every year at least two million ankles suffer sprains in the United States. And that figure doesn’t account for people...
A foot fracture can be a real setback for anyone who enjoys an active lifestyle — whether you love playing team sports or you were training for your next big race. The thought of being sidelined is disheartening, but the good news is that it’s possible to stay active while...
As an athlete, you know the importance of training regimens, proper nutrition, and mental preparation to achieve peak performance. But when was the last time you gave attention to your feet? Believe it or not, the condition of your feet plays a significant role in your performance — no matter...
Did you know that more than 37 million Americans live with diabetes? Although many are aware of its impact on blood sugar levels and overall health, not everyone realizes the toll it can take on your feet. Diabetic foot problems are more common than you might think. They can lead to serious...
Foot warts are common. Although there are a variety of warts, they’re almost always plantar warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These warts typically appear on the soles of your feet. They’re usually harmless, but they can be embarrassing. Depending on their location, they can even be painful to...
Ingrown toenails can be painful and frustrating. And if you find yourself dealing with them frequently, the way you cut your toenails could be partly to blame. The good news? With proper toenail care, you can reduce your risk of painful ingrown nails. Lisa Burson, DPM, Joe Aoun, DPM, and...
Playing sports is a great way to get and stay active at any age. Even though sports offer a host of benefits, physical activity comes with some risks, including the potential for injury. Whether you're an athlete or you just enjoy working out, you probably know that foot injuries are common —...
Did you know that 87% of people suffer foot pain in their lifetimes? It’s one of the most common types of pain — and whether it’s an acute injury or a chronic condition, foot pain can make your daily life difficult. No one likes the thought of invasive treatments or surgery to fix their...
Running is great exercise. It offers numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, stronger muscles, and increased stamina — but as a runner, it's important to take care of your feet. If you’re new to running, learning how to keep your feet healthy and injury-free is essential. The good news...
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects your body's ability to produce and use insulin, a hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar damages the blood vessels and nerves in your extremities (particularly your feet) over time — and the resulting foot problems are difficult to manage...
A severe ankle injury can be debilitating. Ankle pain, swelling, and weakness limit your mobility and your daily life. But unfortunately, those symptoms don’t always go away once the injury heals. About 20% of people who sprain their ankles develop chronic instability, and sprains aren’t the only cause. Any injury...
An ingrown toenail develops when the edge of your toenail grows into the skin next to it. Causing symptoms like redness, swelling, and tenderness, it’s a common foot problem. Anyone can get an ingrown nail, and about 20% of people who go to the doctor for foot problems end up having an ingrown toenail....
Imagine it now: standing up in the morning without feeling a sharp pain. Taking a walk without stopping to rest your feet. Participating in all your favorite activities without giving foot pain a second thought. Does that sound too good to be true? It isn’t. Custom orthotics could be the...
Your skin is thickest on your feet. It’s naturally durable to protect you from injury, but friction from shoes, cuts, and scrapes can happen to anyone. In fact, corns, calluses, and plantar warts are a few of the most common foot problems in the country. These conditions make the skin...
Does heel pain make you dread getting out of bed in the morning? Are you tired of cutting workouts short because your foot hurts too much? It’s time to find answers and start healing. Heel pain is a common complaint among adults of all ages. Often the result of overuse injuries,...
Neuropathy is among the most common complications of diabetes. It happens when high blood sugar damages your nerves over time. It causes pain, tingling, and numbness — and it usually starts in your feet. Because of this, people with diabetes are more likely to get foot infections, and those infections...
Did you know your toenails grow about 1.6 millimeters every month? Your nails start growing before you’re born and keep growing over the course of your life, which means that trimming them regularly is an essential part of your personal hygiene routine. It’s something everyone must do, but few people give...
Puncture wounds are narrow, deep cuts. They happen when a sharp object punctures your skin — and although they can occur anywhere on your body, puncture wounds are particularly common on the bottoms of your feet. Stepping on a sharp object like a nail or a large thorn can pierce...
Warts are one of the most common types of noncancerous skin growths. In fact, around 33% of children and 5% of adults have at least one wart. Warts can appear almost anywhere on your body, and they range widely in size and shape. Most warts are usually harmless, but they can be embarrassing. And...
Are you scheduled for ankle surgery? Ankle surgery can be an effective treatment for chronic injuries, arthritis, or other types of ankle pain that haven't improved with more conservative care. But it’s no secret that the thought of undergoing ankle surgery can be scary. It’s normal to have questions, and...
Your body has the unique ability to heal itself. When you get injured, your body immediately starts working to rebuild and repair damaged tissue with specialized cells. But sometimes, certain health conditions can interfere with this healing process. Common conditions, like diabetes, infection, and circulatory problems, make it hard for...
About 50% of people with diabetes have diabetic neuropathy, a common but serious complication that causes irreversible nerve damage over time. Most often, neuropathy affects your feet first — and it leads to symptoms like numbness, pain, and slow-healing wounds. If it’s left untreated, diabetic neuropathy can put your feet...
Stress fractures are hairline cracks in bones. These injuries start small, and you may not even notice you’re injured at first. But over time, the fracture grows worse and begins to limit your favorite activities. Stress fractures are common, but the good news is that they’re often preventable. Whether you...
Your heel is the largest bone in your foot. It connects your foot to your ankle, and it absorbs most of your body weight when you stand, walk, and run. Unfortunately, heel pain is a common complaint among people of all ages, with more than 2 million Americans suffering heel...
Take a look at your toenails. Are they smooth and evenly colored? Or are they discolored, thick, and fragile-looking? If your nails look irregular and unsightly, you could have a toenail fungus. Toenail funguses are a type of infection that enters your body through small cracks or breaks in your...
Up to one in three American adults has bunion deformities. A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of your big toe, and it can grow so large that it interferes with your ability to wear shoes and move your toes normally. Bunions start small, and having...
Warts are noncancerous growths on the surface of your skin. They range in size, shape, and location, from flat lesions on the face to rounded lumps on fingers and toes. One of the most common types of wart is the plantar wart: a callus-like growth that forms on the soles...
Bone is one of the hardest materials in the human body, but did you know that bones are made of living tissue just like every other part of your body? The cells that make up your bones change, grow, and repair just like all other tissues. Bones have calcium phosphate,...
An ulcer is a slow-healing open wound or sore. Ulcers can develop anywhere on your body, but they’re most common on legs, ankles, and feet. Ulcers aren’t always painful, but they do pose a serious risk to your health. They’re dangerous because they either don’t heal, heal very slowly, or...
Living with foot pain isn’t fun. Maybe you spend long hours standing at work, or maybe you have a chronic condition like arthritis that makes your feet ache. Whatever the cause of your pain, foot problems can limit your life. Nearly everyone experiences foot pain from time to time. But...
Have you noticed redness or swelling along the side of your big toenail? Does your toe hurt when you put on a shoe or try to take a step? It could be an ingrown nail. Ingrown toenails happen when your nail grows down into the skin of your toe. Mild...
About 6 million Americans suffer a broken bone each year. Broken bones, or fractures, are extremely painful injuries. They can happen as a result of an accident, like a fall or a sports injury, or they can develop with certain health conditions like osteoporosis. It’s possible to break any bone...
Millions of Americans are living with diabetes, a metabolic disease that affects the human body’s ability to process glucose. Glucose is sugar that comes from the food you eat, and it’s your body’s main source of fuel. Diabetes limits your body’s ability to absorb sugar, and high blood sugar levels...
Your feet are uniquely susceptible to injury. Even if you wear protective shoes and practice proper hygiene, you can’t completely avoid all the scratches, blisters, and other injuries that feet sustain throughout life. In addition to those acute injuries, certain chronic health conditions could be putting your foot health at...
Do you have a bony lump at the base of your big toe? It could be a bunion. About one in three people over the age of 65 live with bunions, and they can affect anyone in almost any age group. Bunions form when your big toe is forced into...
Ingrown toenails are an extremely common foot condition. They might not seem like a big deal, but what starts as mild redness or swelling can lead to intense pain, infection, and other serious health complications if left untreated. An ingrown toenail forms when part of your nail grows into the...
A stress fracture is a tiny crack in your bone. Although they can develop in almost any bone in the human body, they’re most common in weight-bearing bones in your legs and feet. Symptoms of stress fractures often come on slowly, making them one of the more difficult foot problems...
An estimated 2 million Americans are treated for plantar fasciitis every year. It’s a common foot condition, but it’s also one of the top causes of heel pain among adults of all ages. The plantar fascia is a strong band of fibrous tissue that runs from your heel to your...
A bunion is a bony protrusion located at the base of your big toe. It forms over time if your big toe is pushed under or over your other toes inside your shoes. The pressure makes your toe joint stick out and grow larger, eventually leading to a permanent change....
Have you noticed a hard, thick patch of skin on the bottom of your foot? It could be a callus. Calluses are built-up areas of skin that form when your foot undergoes repetitive pressure or friction. Calluses can be unsightly, but they’re harmless most of the time. Foot calluses can...
Taking off your shoes at the end of a long day feels great. But if you suffer from foot odor, they might not smell so great. Having smelly feet can make you wonder what’s causing the odor and if it’s a sign of an underlying health issue. Foot odor is...
Ankle pain comes in many forms. From sprains and strains to arthritis and stress fractures, ankle pain can make walking and standing difficult. Though it can be tempting to wait it out and see if the pain dissipates on its own, ignoring ankle pain may only make the problem worse. ...
Have you ever suffered from painful, aching feet? Chances are good that your answer is yes. Foot pain is a common complaint for people of all ages, from teens involved in sports to seniors enjoying a walk around the block. Foot pain can stop you in your tracks, but the...
Your feet carry you through life. However, when arthritis, tendonitis, or other types of pain strike, the thought of taking even a few steps can quickly fill you with dread. Foot pain affects up to eight in 10 Americans at some time during their lives, but finding an effective solution...
Diabetes is a metabolic condition that affects nearly 30 million Americans. It influences the way your body processes and uses sugar. If you have diabetes, your blood sugar is consistently too high. High blood sugar can cause nerve damage, poor circulation, and other health issues that impact your overall wellbeing. ...
Do you have a painful, bony bump near the outside of your big toe? It might be a bunion. Bunions are common foot deformities that develop over time, and they can cause pain and structural changes in your foot. Bunions are characterized by swelling and pain in the joint at...
If your toe throbs and hurts when you walk or run, you may have an ingrown toenail, a common condition that results when a part of your toenail cuts into the corner of the skin around your toes. Often, soaking the affected toe and trimming toenails correctly will help get...